Garden of owner of chow chow kennel Russia IL DE BOTE Chow-chow postcards of chow chow kennel Russia IL DE BOTE Dog chow chow photo of chow chow kennel Russia IL DE BOTE Khabarovsk
In this section we are going to gather everything concerning chow-chow-owner's life: souvenirs collections, stories about dog shows, presentations of our friends and so on.

We decided to start from the collections of chow-chow souvenirs.

Look and enjoy!

P.S. Everybody wellcome to send us the photos of your own private collection of chow-chow things. Just send the photos to owr webmaster.
Chow-chow souvenirs collection of Il'De Bote Kennel
Chow-chow souvenirs collection of Tatiana Abakumova, President of NKP Chow-Chow, Moscow, Russia
Chow-chow souvenirs collection of Olga Tsebrova, Ekaterinburg, Russia
Chow-chow souvenirs collection of Valentina Anisimova, Baltik Tops Kennel, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Chow-chow souvenirs collection of G. Lomakina, Lav Lap Top Kennel, Moscow
Chow-chow souvenirs collection of V. Zyabreva, Zolotoi Medved Kennel, Moscow

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 All rights reserved
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